| 1. | Repeat push forward cyclic completing a minimum of two ( 2 ) forward tumbles 将升降舵打降舵,重覆步骤3 ,向前翻滚至少二圈。 |
| 2. | With the helicopter hovering nose - in , add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted tail - in hover , hold for five ( 5 ) seconds 机头朝向操控者保持停悬,将升降舵打降舵使直升机翻滚为机尾朝向操控者的倒飞姿态,保持静止倒飞停悬5秒钟。 |
| 3. | With the helicopter hovering tail - in , add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted nose - in hover , hold for five ( 5 ) seconds 机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,将升降舵打降舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝向操控者的倒飞姿态,保持静止倒飞停悬5秒钟。 |
| 4. | From this inverted tail - in hover , add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright nose - in hover , hold for five ( 5 ) seconds 由机尾朝向操控者的倒飞停悬,将升降舵打降舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝向操控者的正立停悬姿态,保持静止停悬5秒钟。 |
| 5. | From this inverted nose - in hover , add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright tail - in hover , hold for five ( 5 ) seconds 由机头朝向操控者的倒飞停悬,将升降舵打降舵使直升机翻滚为机尾朝向操控者的正立停悬姿态,保持静止停悬5秒钟。 |
| 6. | With the helicopter upright and flying backward straight and level from the left to the right , when the helicopter is directly in front of the pilot , push forward cyclic and execute a tail first inside loop 由左至右保持后退水平直线飞行,当直升机在操控者的正前方时,将升降舵打降舵执行内浸斗。 |
| 7. | With the helicopter hovering at a safe altitude , roll the helicopter to the left , until the rotor blades are vertical , the helicopter must remain horizontal during this maneuver , drop collective and add forward cyclic 先将直升机停悬在安全的高度,然后将副翼打左舵执行1 / 4侧滚,直到主旋翼回转面成为垂直,机体必须保持水平,降低主旋翼的螺距成为0 ,并且将升降舵打降舵。 |
| 8. | Fly straight and level from left to right at a moderate speed as the helicopter is just about in front of the pilot , add extra collective momentarily , then simultaneously push forward cyclic , and adjust the collective to maintain constant altitude and speed and hold the forward cyclic until the helicopter completes one ( 1 ) full traveling tumbling front flip to upright 由左至右保持适当速度的水平直线飞行,当直升机在操控者的正前方时,瞬间加大主旋翼的螺距,同时将升降舵打降舵,控制主旋翼的螺距使直升机保持固定的高度及前进速度,直到直升机向前翻滚一圈完毕。 |